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  1. Indian vulture - Wikipedia

    • The Indian vulture or long-billed vulture (Gyps indicus) is a bird of prey native to the Indian subcontinent. It is an Old World vulture belonging to the family of Accipitridae. It is a medium-sized vulture with a small, semi-bald head with little feathers, long beak, and wide dark colored wings. It breeds mainly on small cliffs and hilly crags in central India and south India. T… See more


    The Indian vulture is placed in the genus Gyps (old world vultures), and gets both its common and specific scientific … See more

    Distribution and habitat

    The range of the Indian vulture extended from southeastern Pakistan to south India and to Indochina and the northern Malay Peninsula in the east. It is now extinct in South East Asia with current populations existing mo… See more


    The Indian vulture is bulky and medium in size. Its body and covert feathers are pale brown with darker flight feathers. It has white thighs with scattered white fluff and broad wings with short tail feathers. It has a small, bare… See more

    Behaviour and ecology

    The Indian vulture is a powerful flier and soars on thermal convection currents. It reaches speeds of 35 km/h (22 mph) when gliding and can fly for six to seven hours continuously. The Indian vulture nests mainly on c… See more

    Status and conservation

    Beginning in the 1990s, the Indian vulture species suffered a 97% population decrease in its range in the Indian subcontinent over a period of 10–15 years. The species is classified as critically endangered in … See more

    Cultural and economic significance

    Indian vultures are often misunderstood, feared and considered as lowly creatures largely due to their eating habits of feeding on carrion. They play a key ecological role as a keystone species and serve as effective scavengers… See more

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